Wednesday, March 27, 2024
The organizing committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for short talks and poster presentation. All conference abstracts must be submitted online via the online submission system.
Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract(s).
All Presenter must complete
their registration before the
registration deadline.
Upon submitting your
abstract, a confirmation
letter will be emailed to you.
To review or make
changes to your
submitted abstract,
please visit ‘My Page’.
You will receive an
acceptance notification
via email.
Language: English only
Presentation type: Short talks / Poster
Scientific committee may change your presentation type after reviewing it.Do not use capital letters except for the first letter when writing a title.
Structure of research abstract: Background / Methods / Results / Conclusions
Length of body: No longer than 350 words.
Figure / Table
1 figure or 1 table in 1 abstract: Allowed. A figure or table counts as 50 words.Upon abstract submission, a confirmation email will be sent to your provided email address.
Abstract review or modification will be available Until the extended abstract submission deadline (Friday, March 15, 2024).
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific committee according to reviewing procedures.
Notification of acceptance will be emailed to applicants on Wednesday, March 27, 2024.
Any changes will be notified on the ISMND 2024 website.
If the presenting author of the accepted abstract does not register by the deadline for presenter registration, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please request to have it withdrawn by sending an email to the secretariat as soon as possible.